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1 Jacoby Gady

Professor Gady Jacoby, Dean of the School of Economics, is an alumnus of the Hebrew University (Bachelor of Economics and Accounting and Master in Finance) and the Schulich School of Business at York University in Toronto (PhD). He joined the College of Management Academic Studies as the School’s Dean in October of 2021. Previously, Professor Jacoby served as Dean of the Asper School of Business at the University of Manitoba in Canada from 2018 to 2021 and before that as Associate Dean Research and Graduate Programs at the same institution.

He serves as a Subject Editor for Emerging Markets Review and in the Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money and as an Associate Editor for Finance Research Letters. He is also co-chair of Cross Country Perspectives in Finance (Special Issue Conference). Professor Jacoby’s research focuses on asset pricing, behavioral finance, sustainable finance, and international finance.

2 Rosin Odelia

Dr. Odelia Rosin is currently Vice Dean of the business faculty, a health economist and lecturer. In her former role as Dean of the Bnei-Brak campus, Dr. Rosin founded and managed the academic programs of the Haredi campus and the preparatory studies in the College of Management. Before joining COLMAN she worked as a software developer for over a decade and taught at Bar-Ilan University.

2 Arar Khalid

Khalid Arar, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy, Head of the Department of Counselor Education, College of Management Academic Studies (COLMAN), and adjunct in the School Improvement Doctoral Program, College of Education, Texas State University and an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Leadership in Education and Middle-East regional editor of Journal of Education Administration and History and a member of the editorial boards, Journal of Education Administration, Leadership and Policy in Schools, International Journal of Educational Management, Higher Education Policy, Applied Research in Higher Education. Member of UCEA Center for the Study of International School Leadership. For the past two decades, he conducted studies in the Middle East, Europe and North America on the issues of equity, diversity and social justice in K-12 and higher education. His recent books include: Migrants, Refugees and Global Challenges in Higher Education (Peter Lang Publishing, with Kussai Haj-Yehia, David Ross, & Yasar Kondakci); Education, Immigration and Migration: Policy, Leadership and Praxis for a Changing World (Emerald Publishing, with Jeffrey Brooks & Ira Bogotch); Turbulence, Empowerment and Marginalization in International Education Governance Systems (Emerald Publishing, with Alison Taysum), and School Leadership for Refugees’ Education (Routledge).

3 Packer Shimon

Shimon Packer, 26, is an Impact Entrepreneur and has led many initiatives to positively impact both his community and the world. Currently, Shimon is the Manager of Exchange Programs for the International Academic Affairs Office of COLMAN, where he works to promote internationalization at home and abroad. Additionally, he the Outreach Working Group Lead in UNITE2030 an organization in partnership with the UN to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. He is the Co-Organizer of TEDxIDCHerzliya a locally organized TEDx event, the Former Director of the Foreign Affairs in the IDC Entrepreneurship Clubs (IEC), Co-Founder and former Director of the DARE Entrepreneurship Program, and a single father. Shimon has a BA from IDC Herzliya in Government Diplomacy & Strategy; he is a 2019-20 Fellow of the Public Diplomacy Honors Program together with the Abba Ebben Institute for International Diplomacy (AEI) and ACT.IL. Shimon served in the Israeli Special Forces. Shimon is passionate about Public Diplomacy, creating practical cross border cooperation between individuals, businesses, NGO’s, and governments.

2 Weiss Hadas

Dr Hadas Weiss is a lecturer in the school of Education, The Colledge of Management Academic Studies (COLMAN). She has a doctorate in Psychology from York University, USA, a masters degree in Educational Counselling from Liverpool University and a bachelors degree from Bar-Ilan University in Criminology and Psychology as well as Educational Counselling Studies.

Thesis research: Adolescent Considerations in Seeking Help from School Counseling Services.

Dr Weiss was an assistant to the educational dean, assiting with the personal and academic challenges of students and teachers in the undergraduate and masters degree programs in education, for the period 2012-2017.

Dr Weiss is a qualified psychotherapist as well as a mediator and has a private clinic dealling with focused therapy for individuals and families. She was a high school vice principal as well as a senior school counsellor.

Dr Weiss has built a unique learning program of psychology. Her expertise is in teaching psychology aspects within education, including; developmental psychology and educational and social psychology with a focus on internvention of personality theories, interpersonal relations and helping skills, and teaching practicum students.

2 Bolless Rachel

Dr. Rachel Bolless is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Education, the Department of Counselor Education, College of Management Academic Studies (COLMAN).

She was a cofounder of the Department of School Counseling at the College for Academic Studies (MLA) Or-Yehuda Israel in 2008, and its coordinator for eight years (2008-2016) and the Head of the Department for two years (2017-2019).

Dr. Bolless taught at the Graduate Counseling Education Studies, Derby University the Israeli brunch (2003-2008). She was the Program Director MA studies in Education, the Northumbria University Newcastle U.K the Israeli brunch (1997- 2001), Academic staff in Liverpool University U.K. the Israeli brunch (1996), and a member of the Executive Committee of ICA Bar Ilan University (1995-1999).

She received her M.A., in Educational Counseling from NIU DeKalb IL. USA (1982), Postgraduate Studies in Family Therapy, Tel-Aviv University (1990), Advanced Professional Training “Pairs” The Family Relations Institute, Falls Church VA. USA (1990), Studies toward proficiency in “Human Dynamics” (1991), Gestalt Studies “The Gestalt Institute” Haifa (1994). Dr. Bolless received Ph.D. in Education; from the Union Institute Cincinnati OH. USA (1996). She became Authorized Family Mediator [official court certification] (2001), completed short terms focus psychotherapy (2008), and CBT studies (2018).

Through her professional life Dr. Bolless always integrated teaching and field work. During her 20 years of counseling in the schools system and 28 years of family therapy she was and still involved in working with high risk adolescence, crisis in the family, communication in the family, workshop with teachers, parents and kids on variety of topics. Her therapy approach is holistic, involving all the parts of the family and consulting with world that involves the patient.

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