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2 Gafni Dalit

Dr. Dalit Gafni studied Economics in high-school, fell in love with the subject, and knew then that this is what she will do in life. Achieving very high grades in her Econometrics classes at the department of Economics at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem impressed her professors to offer her a teaching assistant role in the department, and later on a full teaching position. During her PhD studies she had her firstborn child, while the second one was born a day after she had submitted her dissertation.

Dr. Dalit Gafni is an associate professor (Israeli senior lecturer) of Economics and serves as vice dean of the School of Economics at the College of Management (COLMAN). She teaches statistics and econometrics and worked for various government research bodies as a leading researcher. Her work was published in leading international economics journals, including B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, The Journal of Economic Studies and The Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy.

Dr. Gafni manages the empirical research field at the School of Economics which includes: statistics, econometrics and economic research methods, statistical software, data analyst, big data for undergraduate students and, applied econometrics for Master’s degree. Dr. Gafni is an expert in Labor Economy and her research focuses mainly on gender and ethnics wage discrimination. Dr. Gafni’s main forte is her quotative empirical economic research ability.

“Persistence is no less important than talent. I witness that with my students throughout my career. Persistency, responsibility, seriousness and motivation have a substantial effect no less important than natural talent”.

1 Zilcha Itzhak

Professor Itzhak Zilcha joined the School of Economics at the College of Management Academic studies in 2010 and was a Dean of the School of Economics from 2012 to 2015. He obtained a Bsc and Msc in Mathematics and then a Phd in Economics from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Afterwards, he taught in the Department of Economics at the University of Illinois and at Cornell University. He joined the School of Economics at Tel Aviv University and taught there from 1978 until 2009. He was the Head of the School of Economics at Tel Aviv University during the period 1993-1995. He was a visiting Professor in the Economics Department at several Universities (for a few semesters in each case): Johns Hopkins University, University of Maryland, Indiana University, University of Michigan and SMU.

His main research fields are: Economics of Uncertainty, Economic Growth and Income Inequality, the Role of Information in generating Human Capital and its implications to economic growth and the income distribution. He served for many years, until recently, on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Public Economics Theory.

2 Lowenstein Lazar Ruthy

Dr. Ruthy Lowenstein Lazar is a lecturer and a researcher at the College of Management Academic Studies (COLMAN), and a member of the Striks Faculty of Law, where she servs as the head of the Clinical Center for Law and Society and the head of the Women’s Rights Clinic. She holds an LL.B. from Haifa University (1998); an L.L.M from the University of Ottawa Canada (2004) and a Ph.D from The Osgoode Hall Law School, Canada (2009).

Dr. Lowenstein did her Post Doctorate at the University of Haifa and was a Visiting Scholar at Columbia University. She also worked at the Israeli District Attorney.

Dr. Lowenstein was a board member in Itach-Maaki- Women Lawyers for Social Justice (2008-2014), was a member in LEAF’s (Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund in Canada) subcommittee concerning an appeal before the Canadian Supreme Court (R. v. J.A.). she was the Head of the Law School Equality Promoting Commission (2012-2013), and Member of the College’s Committee on Sexual Harassment (2013). She develops and promotes a variety of policy change and social change projects in the area of law, gender and social change.

Her scholarly work deals with marital rape, sexual violence, affirmative consent in rape cases, battered women who kill and clinical legal education.

Research Interests and teaching; Criminal law and gender, violence against women, sexual violence, consent in criminal law, clinical education and law and social change.

2 Zer – Gutman Limor

Limor Zer-Gutman is senior lecturer at the Striks faculty of Law, College of Management Academic Studies (COLMAN), and the founder and head of the Weiner Center for legal ethics and Professional Responsibility. She received her PhD from Stanford Law School, her LL.M from UCLA law School and her LL.B from Tel-Aviv University Law Faculty. She is the Chief Editor of “HaMishpat” Law Review since 2013. She served as consultant for the UN, E4J Integrity and Ethics University (2017-2018). She was editor of the “Professional Ethics”, a journal of the Israel Bar Association, which is published 4 times a year. The journal includes editorial articles and decisions of the bar’s national ethics committee (2002-2014). She wrote several bills for the Israel Bar Association, including advertising rules (2001), other engagements rules (2003), and amendments to the Israel Bar Association Law.

Dr. Zer-Gutman established and maintains a database on lawyers’ professional ethics, where it is possible to easily retrieve rulings, articles, lists, and legislation. She served on two public committees that dealt with the legal profession in Israel. The first, in 2001, the public committee for reviewing internships and certification exams. The second, in 2013, the public committee for reviewing the Israel Bar Association. She wrote several bills for the Israel Bar Association, including advertising rules and various amendments to the Israeli Bar, Act.

Dr. Zer-Gutman is a consultant and writer of Codes of Ethics for a range of organizations, including the Audit Commission of the Prosecutor System and State Representatives in Legal Proceedings, the Striks Faculty of Law, Defenders of Youths in Criminal Proceedings at the Public Defender’s Office, law clinics in Israel, and for private investigators.

2 Karako-Eyal Nili

Dr. Nili Karako-Eyal is a senior lecturer in the Haim Striks School of Law, The College of Management, Israel. She teaches torts, civil procedural law and health law. She is the head of the patients’ rights clinic in Israel, which provides free legal assistance to patients and their families.

She holds a L.L.B degree from the Tel- Aviv University School of Law and a Ph.D. in law from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Following her studies, she clerked for the Honorable E. Matza J., of the Israeli Supreme court. Dr. Nili Karako-Eyal is an expert in theoretical, comparative and legal research. Her research, which has appeared in both peer-edited journals and law reviews, includes patients’ rights, bioethics, public health, medical negligence and tort law. Her main fields of interest are: informed consent, new eugenics, vaccination and the dying patient. She has recently received a grant from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for a research regarding the Israeli Dying Patient law. She takes part in several bioethics research projects, including projects in the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute and Bar-Ilan University.

1 Triger Zvi

Professor Zvi Triger is a professor at the Striks Faculty of Law, where he served as Vice Dean (20011-2013). He holds an LL.B. from Tel-Aviv University (1997); an LL.M. (2004) and a J.S.D. (2004) from New York University School of Law.

He is the author of numerous books, articles and book chapters in the fields of family law, contract law, and gender studies. He was the scientific editor of the Hebrew edition of Carol Gilligan’s book Joining the Resistance (2016).

Research Interests and teaching: Family Law, Contract Law, Law and Culture, Legal Feminism, LGBTQ Rights

1 Holzman-Gazit Yifat

Yifat Holzman-Gazit is a Professor at the School of Law, College of Management in Israel. She has a JSD (’97) from Stanford Law School and an LL,B (cum laude ’89) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her areas of research are; land expropriation, history of Israeli land law, real estate appraisal, tree protection legislation, and media coverage of Supreme Courts.

She is the author of Land Expropriation in Israel: Law, Culture and Society (Ashgate publishing 2007) and has published numerous articles on the formation of Israeli land expropriation jurisprudence, the Jewish National Fund, the role of real estate appraisers in expropriation claims and press coverage of Israel’s Supreme Court. Prof. Holzman-Gazit has been a visiting professor at Stanford Law School as the Schusterman Israeli Visiting Professor (2007-2008) and a Senior Michigan Grotius Research Scholar at University of Michigan Law School (2014).

She was a member of the International Committee of the Law and Society Association and serves on the boards of the Israeli Law and Society Association and the Center for Media and Law at Bar-Ilan University. In addition, since 2010 Prof. Holzman-Gazit has served as the representative of the Israeli legal academy in the Advisory Committee for Land Expropriation. Prof. Holzman-Gazit is also a community activist in preventing unnecessary removal of trees.

Research Interests and teaching: Land Expropriation, Zoning, Property Law, Law and Media, Empirical Legal Studies.

2 Shanan Tamir

Tamir Shanan is a lecturer at the Haim Striks Faculty of Law, where he also served as the Dean.

He holds an LL.B. cum laude and a B.B. specializing in Accounting from the College of Management, an LL.M. cum laude from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, an LL.M. from University of Michigan and an S.J.D (Scientific Juris Doctor) from University of Michigan. His doctoral thesis examined the measures to improve monitoring and tax collection from multinational corporate groups and to promote a fairer allocation for the tax revenues among states and was written under the supervision of professors Reuven S. Avi-Yonah, Douglass A. Kahn and Michael J. Mcintyre.

Dr. Shanan served as a member of the governmental committee headed by Professor Ne’eman for the legislation of Basic Law Legislation and served as a legal counsel for the Caucus for the Constitution.

Research Interests and teaching: Introduction to tax law, corporate income tax, international taxation and taxation and welfare.

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