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3 Suss Gavin

Gavin Suss is researcher, lecturer, and expert in the areas of innovation and creative thinking. Suss is one of the only Israelis that appear on www.expertisefinder.com and is known for his creative teaching techniques and metholdegies, he also works with leading companies in Israel and lectures worldwide. Dr Suss holds a PhD in Education and Management from Tel Aviv University and is a graduate of the Executive managers’ program at Harvard Business School. Suss studied at artists Shelley Berc and Alejandro Fogel in New York. He has published numerous papers and articles in important journals and books, likewise he contributes to all leading media in Israel, he is author of the books: “You Only Live Once” (2012) and “It’s All About Creativity” published in 2018. He recently (2020) contributed a chapter to the book “70 Years of Research into Creativity: J.P. Guildford’s Role and Today’s Focus”.

In the past decade he held a senior position as Director of learning in the innovation center at Keter Plastic headquarters (the largest plastic manufacture in the world). He works with leading Israeli companies, lectures abroad and is invited to important international conferences. In the past he served as Head of the Academic Administration at the Design and Engineering College “Shenkar”, after leaving Shenkar Suss continued to serve as a member of the MA committee of the Plastic engineering department at Shenkar and a member of the investment committee.
He served as CEO of the High Committee for Public Colleges in Israel (2004-2006), likewise he was a board member for several years at the Infinity Investment Group and the Jewish Archives at the University of Jerusalem. In his free time Suss studies art and drawing with Neta Harel at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art. Suss is known for his unique, provocative, and inspiring classes, lectures, and workshops.

1 Gilbai Eli

Professor Eli Gilbai is a the founder and Academic director of the Master of Business Taxation Program (M.B.T.) at the College of Management, Chair of tax studies, School of Management, Tel Aviv University. He holds an LL.B. from Bar Ilan University Law School, and B.A. (Accounting and Economics), LL.M. and J.S.D (2003) from Tel Aviv University.

Professor Gilbai taught at Tel Aviv University Law Faculty, and nowadays teaches at the M.B.T. and School of Management, Tel-Aviv University; he holds the Chair of Tax department at the Israeli Accountant Council.

In the past, Professor Gilbai served 13 years in the Israeli Tax Authority, in several positions, including Vice Income Tax Assessor for Major Factories, and Manager of Receivership, liquidation and Bankruptcy division of the ITA Commissionership. Since 2003, Professor Gilbai manages Prof. Eli Gilbai – Law Firm.

2 Oren Gila

Gila Oren, PhD, is a leading Senior Lecturer, Head of Marketing Studies, and a faculty member in the Faculty of Business at the College of Management. She holds BA and MA degrees from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a PhD from the Faculty of Management at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (2015).

Dr. Oren brings over 20 years of experience in the marketing and advertising industry. She has managed research and strategy departments in leading organizations such as Gitam, BBDO, Keshet Broadcasting, NANA 10, the Channel 10 Internet site. She handled sectorial advertisement, served in branding committees and tender committees, and was a consultant for the Ministry of Education and numerous commercial and public companies.

Oren is a Yad Vashem graduate and is a Certified Guide to Poland. She serves as an official Yad Vashem guide, including leading IDF and security-forces delegations. Since 2009 she has been leading international groups on the March of the Living journeys to Poland.

The Heritage Sites Visitation Experience was the topic of her PhD dissertation, where she focused on visits to the Auschwitz- Birkenau death camp. This study integrated her managerial knowledge and experience and her Holocaust studies and teaching experience.

Oren holds professional qualifications from Yad Vashem and from the Auschwitz Museum including The Poland course, Auschwitz Seminar, and the Częstochowa seminar. She is on the Board of Directors of the Yad Mordechai museum. In addition, she is a member of OFEK, the Israeli Association for the Study of Group and Organizational Processes, which also researches the subject of victims and victimizers in World War II.

In her capacity as Head of Marketing Studies, Oren leads innovative initiatives designed to offer her students a comprehensive up-to-date curriculum. She initiates, implements, and leads professional pedagogic projects that equip program graduates with skills and capabilities that take them from academia to the workplace.

Oren’s main fields of research are the meeting points between tourism management and heritage, the visitation experience of heritage sites and the technological challenge of virtual tourism. She is currently involved in Second Generation research, examining the changes in their perception of the Holocaust and memory.

2 Geller​ Dvora

Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior, The School of Business Administration Faculty of Management, Tel Aviv University. M.Sc. in Organizational Behavior, The School of Business Administration Faculty of Management, Tel Aviv University.

Lecturer at the School of Business Administration, The College of Management.

Head and owner of DG business, organizational consultant, providing management consulting and training services, coaching and leading organizational changes.

1 Manos Ronny

Ronny Manos is a Professor at the College of Management, Rishon LeZion, Israel. She teaches a wide range of courses including investment theory and applications, international finance, microfinance, corporate finance and financial management. Her PhD thesis was on the topic of corporate finance in emerging markets and her current research interest is in the area of gender and microfinance.

2 Baum Ido

Dr. Ido Baum is an associate professor (senior lecturer) at the Haim Striks School of Law, where he served as Vice Dean (2015-2019) and currently serves as Head of the Heth Center for the Research of Competition and Regulation and as the Director of the Excellence Program.

He holds an LL.B.  and LL.M. from Tel-Aviv University (1997); an LL.M. and Master’s degree from the European Master in Law and Economics Program cum laude (2003) and a Iuris Doctor (German Doctor of Laws) from the Institute of Law & Economics at Hamburg University, Germany summa cum laude (2007).

Dr. Baum is frequently invited to teach and conduct research abroad. He recently taught at the Georgetown Law Center for Transnational Legal Studies, at the Warsaw School of Economics and at Hamburg University. He also regularly teaches a seminar on Business Law at the international business law program at Tel Aviv University.

Dr. Baum’s prolific career included serving as the Spokesperson of the Israeli Ministry of Justice (1999-2001), as the assistant to the Israeli Attorney General (2001-2002) and as a lawyer for the Claims Resolution Tribunal in Zurich Switzerland (2006-2008). Before his academic career, he was a senior editor and journalist in the most influential newspaper in Israel, Haaretz, and in the leading commercial news corporation in the country.

Dr. Baum is the in-house legal commentator of the financial daily newspaper TheMarker, considered to be the most influential financial newspaper in Israel. He is by far the most published academic in his field in the popular media.

Dr. Baum is the author of numerous articles in Hebrew and in English in the field of corporate governance, securities regulation, procedural law and law and economics.

In 2019 Dr. Baum was selected by the Ministry of Justice to lead a team of researchers tasked with a long term project of evaluating the reform of personal and corporate bankruptcy law in Israel.

Research Interests and teaching

Corporate Law, Corporate Governance, Securities Regulation, Corporate Bankruptcy, Civil Procedure, Economic Analysis of Law.

3 Almor Tamar

Full Professor Tamar Almor serves as the Dean of the Faculty of Business at the College of Management Academic Studies. Previously, she served as the Dean of the School for Behavioral Sciences & Psychology. Earlier, she established and ran the Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the School of Business Administration where she also acted as Vice Dean.

In the past, she served as Dean of Students for about 12,000 students and in this capacity founded the Center for Academic Accessibility, established to advance students with special needs, special groups, and people who need extra help and attention to earn a degree. As a result, the College of Management has become one of the leading academic institutions in Israel on accessibility.

Her research focuses on international business strategy and global entrepreneurship, subjects which she teaches at the Faculty of Business. She has more than 30 years of experience in teaching courses and programs in Israel and overseas related to international strategy, global innovation and international entrepreneurship. She has taught these subjects as a guest lecturer at several institutions in Singapore, Finland, Norway and the Netherlands. She has also worked as a consultant and coach for executives at top Israeli and foreign companies.

She publishes extensively in leading journals such as Management International Review, International Business Review, the Journal of Organizational Behavior, Research Policy, the Journal of International Management, and Thunderbird International Business Review among others. She is a member of various Editorial Boards, including Management International Review, International Journal of Emerging Markets, Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal, the European Journal of International Management and the Journal of Knowledge Management.

In 2020 she was appointed Fellow of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), where she also serves as country representative on the Board.

Full Professor Tamar Almor earned her Ph.D. at Tel Aviv University in International Business. She has an undergraduate degree in Social Work and a graduate degree in Organizational Behavior.

1 Ben-Naftali Orna

Professor Orna Ben-Naftali is a full professor and a member of the Haim Striks Faculty of Law, where she served as Dean (2008-2011) and where she holds the Emile Zola Chair for Human Rights. She served as Rector of the College of Management Academic Studies (COLMAN) (2019-2021). She holds an LL.B. from Tel-Aviv University (1982), an MA (History) from Harvard University (1986) and an M.A.L.D. (1985) and a Ph.D (1990) from The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. She is a senior research fellow at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.

Professor Ben-Naftali taught at Brandeis University, was the Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow at the European University Institute, Florence and a research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg.

She worked at the Department of Peacekeeping Operation, the United Nations.

Prof. Ben-Naftali served on the editorial board of the European Journal of International Law, and on the advisory board of editors of Humanity and of the Max Planck Trialogue on the Laws of War and Peace.

She served as a board member of B’tselem – the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian territories; Chairwoman of the board of Yesh-Din – Volunteers for Human Rights and Chairwoman of the Sapir Prize in Literature Committee.

She is the co-author of four books; numerous articles and book chapters in the field of international law. Her most recent book (co-authored with Michael Sfard and Hedi Viterbo) is The ABC of the OPT: A Legal Lexicon of the Israeli Control over the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Cambridge University Press 2018) which won the American Society of International Law Certificate of Merits (2019). Her Research Interests and teaching include International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights Law, Jurisprudence, Law and Culture.

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