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2 Isler Etti

Dr. Isler has been involved in community work and non-formal education for over 30 years. She has a BA in Informal Education and an MA in Community Education, as well as being a qualified mediator and Organizational Advisor. Currently, as part of her doctoral thesis, Ms Isler is researching how the professional and academic background of the director effects the success of the community center.

During her long and rich career, Dr. Isler has held many positions in the field of community and non-formal education, including: Over fifteen years of working with the European Union youth program, Euromed, developing, managing and implementing exchanges and training sessions; Responsible for the community – business program at the Israel Association of Community Centers; Currently is the Executive Director of the Israel Federation of Community Centers where she has initiated, developed and run dozens and perhaps hundreds of seminars, conferences, professional training, etc all in the field of community and non-formal education; Board member of the international community organization IFS and the Jewish international community center organization JCC Global

Dr. Isler’s main areas of teaching and research in the academy are community and society, public policy, youth and community management, informal education and academic writing.

2 Harboun Irit

Dr. Irit Harboun is a senior Lecturer at the School of Education in the College of Management. Her field of research is the relationship between citizenship, democracy and education in Israel, and the collective action of the Palestinian minority in the field of education.

3 Abu Nasra Muhammed

Muhammad Abu Nasra is a lecturer in the Faculty of Education at the College of Management. He is currently completing his PhD degree in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Abu Nasra received his first and second degrees from the Department of Sociology at Ben Gurion University of the Negev.

Previously, he taught at the Center for Academic Studies and served as Assistant Vice President at Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education. Technological entrepreneurship, innovation, leadership and employee performance. His main research interests are ethnic entrepreneurship, technological entrepreneurship, innovation, leadership and employee performance.

3 Kastiel Michal

Designer Michal Kastiel is a multidisciplinary designer expert in the area of visual communication. Kastiel is a design lecturer with expertise in creative thinking and data visualization, she has been taking part in the academic field for two decades. Kastiel holds a M.des in Multidisciplinary design, science & Technology from HIT- Holon Institute of Technology. In addition, she is a graduate of the “HANIVHAROT”, exclusive program of Female Excellence and leadership at HIT. Today she leads a DT lab part of the graduate program, and lectures on data visualization for leading Israeli companies.

Kastiel served as Chief Curator of the “VITRINA” Design Research Gallery, she has curated exhibitions from Israel and the world. She is a member of the “Design Forum” of Israeli curators. Kastiel worked at the leading design and brand companies in Tel Aviv, now days she is the founder and the owner of “MIKAS”, studio for multi solutions: Graphic Design, Visual Identity Strategy, Brand Development, Digital, Social Net Managing, Curation and exhibition design.

3 Cohen Anderson Tali

Tali is an architect by profession, interdisciplinary designer by heart. She lives in Yahud-Monoson, where she combines creative work, teaching and learning, all under her “Design for All” studio since 1997.

Tali holds a B. Arch as well as M. Arch. from the K.S.U (Manhattan Kansas U.S.A).

Tali is a senior lecturer in the School of Design and Innovation since 1999. She is known for her creative teaching techniques and metholdegies and as a leading profession in the area of “inclusive design” and accessibility. Her practice focuses on a professional agenda of integrating all fields of accessibility design through inclusive design, her studio is the place where she embraces creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship.

3 Roffman Sara

Sara Roffman is a senior lecturer and part of the faculty staff at COLMAN. She is an award-winning interior designer. Ms. Roffman has been Head of Student Affairs since 2010, she ran the Designers’ Clinic at the school of Design & Innovation and was Head of the “Creative Leadership” Outstanding Student Program.

Currently she is the school’s Entrance Exams Supervisor, First Year Coordinator and Student internship Coordinator. She has vast experience, more than 20 years, teaching design both practically and theoretically in different design schools such as Shenkar Design College, Bar-Ilan University, 6B Design School and the Design & innovation School at COLMAN. She has received several AWARDS for her teaching skills.

Ms. Roffman has written design articles for major design magazines and newspapers in Israel such as Globes and Domus Israel. She served on “Ot Haitzuv” Design Award Jury. Roffman holds a B.A. Degree in Interdisciplinary Arts from Tel-Aviv University, a B.Des (Int) with honors from COLMAN and a M.A in multidisciplinary Arts from Tel-Aviv University.

Her award-winning private studio specializes in commercial and private projects. She is a multidisciplinary creative designer holding professional and practical knowledge in Interior Design, Speech and Drama as well as Shoe-Making knowledge and an avid learner.

2 Bernstein Alina

Alina Bernstein (Ph.D., Leicester, UK) is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Communication of the College of Management Academic Studies (COLMAN) School of Media Studies and at the Steve Tisch School of Film and Television, Tel Aviv University, Israel.

Her main area of research is media and sport. Her publications include: the co-edited book (with Neil Blain) Sport, Media, Culture: Global and Local Dimensions (UK: Frank Cass, 2002) and the co-edited book (with Cornel Sandvoss and Michael Real) Bodies of Discourse: Sport Stars, Mass Media and the Global Public (USA: Peter Lang publishing, 2012).

2 Berger Eva

Dr. Eva Berger is a senior lecturer at the School of Media Studies of the College of Management Academic Studies (COLMAN), where she also served as Dean (2006-2012). She holds a B.A. from the Department of Film and Television at Tel-Aviv University (1985) and an M.A. (1986) and a Ph.D. (1991) in Media Ecology from New York University.

Dr. Berger taught at NYU, Tel Aviv University, the Kibbutzim College of Education and the Sam Spiegel Film School, and has been part of the faculty at COLMAN for over 30 years.

She has served on numerous boards and public service organizations including the Israel Peace Initiative, Israel Press Council, and Institute of General Semantics.

Eva has been a frequent commentator in the Israeli press on issues relating to media, technology, language, and culture. She served on the editorial board of EME: Explorations in Media Ecology (The Journal of the Media Ecology Association), and is currently a member of the Editorial Board of Giluy Daat, a Multidisciplinary Journal on Education, Society and Culture, Seminar Hakibbutzim Publishers, as well as Secretary and member of the Board of Trustees of ETC.: A Review of General Semantics.

She served as Chairwoman of the board of Women in the Picture (the Association for the Advancement of Women in the Visual Arts).

She is the author of various articles and book chapters in the fields of Communication and Media Studies. Her books include The Communication Panacea: Paediatrics and General Semantics (co-authored with Dr. Isaac Berger) and her latest book – Context Blindness: Digital Technology and the Next Stage of Human Evolution – won the 2023 Irving Goffman Award for Outstanding Scholarship in the Ecology of Social Interaction awarded by the Media Ecology Association.

Research Interests and teaching: Media Ecology, Technology, Digital Technology, Language, General Semantics.

2 Levin David

Dr. David Levin is a researcher in the field of communications, focusing on cultural studies. He is a senior lecturer in the School of Media Studies at the College of Management Academic Studies, Israel.

David focuses on the cultural public sphere’s representation of youth and gender as well as social media’s protest framing by the media. He researches the conjunctions between the possibilities and limitations of various media, cultural models, and the implications of special contexts of use. He has written about the meanings of the cellular phone in military reserved duty service and about the meanings of student’s films (Soccer and society). Currently, he is focusing on the place of old media in the digital age.

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Elie Wiesel St 2, Rishon LeTsiyon