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The Meshane Clinical Center for Law and Society – Staff

Our Director

Adv. Efrat Fodem

Director of the Meshane Clinical Center

Adv. Efrat Podem has been the director of the Meshane Clinical Center and instructor at the Clinic for the Advancement of Equality for over a decade. Efrat also teaches, heads a wide range of programs at the Faculty, and conducts research in the areas of law, society, and gender. For over a decade, Efrat has managed the Tmura (“Transformation”) Center for the Advancement of Equality, which promotes social change through the use of innovative civil and legal tools.

Articles by Adv. Efrat Fodem:

The most effective weapon of the abusive man is the court

Selection has a price: But what about criminal enforcement?

The judicial system: Don’t forget freedom of expression

Our Instructors

Adv. Linoy Uliel Sapir

Instructor at the Clinic for the Advancement of Equality

She holds an LLB degree (cum laude) and is a graduate of the Clinical Center of the Faculty of Law at the College of Management. Linoy is responsible for a project helping Ethiopian immigrants access and realize their rights within the Clinic for the Advancement of Equality. She specializes in real estate law and works as an attorney in the field.

Adv. Assaf Deri

Instructor at the Debt Collection Clinic

Adv. Assaf Deri is instructor at the Debt Collection Clinic. He has extensive knowledge and experience representing private and business clients in the areas of debt collection and insolvency, commercial law, tort law and defamation claims, and criminal law.

Articles by Adv. Assaf Deri:

The judicial system: Don’t forget freedom of expression

Petition to the High Court of Justice: All legal proceedings conducted by Amidar must be canceled

Adv. Or Sadan

Instructor at the Freedom of Information Clinic

Adv. Or Sadan is instructor at the Freedom of Information Clinic and serves as lecturer and coordinator of the Introduction to the Legal Profession course for the LLB program. Adv. Or Sadan also serves as legal advisor to the Freedom of Information Movement.

Articles by Adv. Or Sadan:

Selection has a price: But what about criminal enforcement?

Adv. Reem Asadi

Instructor at the Law and Health Clinic (Patients’ Rights)

Adv. Reem Asadi is instructor at the Law and Health Clinic (Patients’ Rights) and serves as the Student Affairs Officer of the Faculty.

Adv. Renana Gan

Instructor at the Family Law Clinic

Adv. Renana Gan is instructor at the Family Law Clinic. She is engaged in community mediation and initiates activities at various community mediation centers.

Adv. Idan Halili

Instructor at the Socio-Legal Clinic

Adv. Idan Halili is instructor at the Socio-Legal Clinic and a social worker. In her professional and research work, Adv. Halili deals with various aspects of the interface between law and social work.

Adv. Miriam Zalkind

Instructor at the Law, Gender, and Social Change Clinic

Adv. Miriam Zalkind is instructor at the Law, Gender, and Social Change Clinic. She is a key social activist in the struggle against the marginalization of women, promoting gender equality in the public, legal, and research arenas.

Adv. Nimrod Gorenstein

Instructor at the Clinic for Aging, Technology, and Human Rights

 Adv. Nimrod Gorenstein directs the Clinic for Aging, Technology, and Human Rights. He specializes in discrimination law, law and Holocaust survivors, law and LGBT, promoting public policy in these areas.

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