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1 Ziv Naomi

Prof. Naomi Ziv is a senior lecturer in the Psychology and Behavioral Sciences department of the College of Management Academic Studies (COLMAN), She holds Ph.D (1999) in psychology from the university of Paris-X Nanterre.

Prof. Ziv taught in several institutions including Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv Yafo Academic college, Levinsky seminar, and others.

Research Interests and teaching: Psychology of music, focusing on music’s effect on attitudes, behavior, emotion and cognition.

2 Shnider Avi

Avi Shnider’s research focuses on social transformations in labor organizations in general, and in particular, in the Israeli agricultural cooperative settlements in the early 21st century. As said by the Israeli poet Shaul Tchernichovsky “Man is but the imprint of his native landscape”; and so, his research interests emerge from his native landscape, focusing on space, organization, and community.

The theoretical foundation of Dr. Shnider’s research is the notion that transformations in labor organizations in recent decades reflect social transformations in the late modern era, and the shift to post-modern society. His studies focus on the turning point of society in general, and particularly labor organizations and the labor world, from modernity to post-modernity.

2 Gershgoren Lael

Lael Gershgoren, PhD, is an assistant professor, a researcher and a consultant in sport, exercise, and performance psychology. He graduated with an MA and PhD from Florida State University. Dr. Gershgoren is a faculty member in the Academic Collage of Management at Rishon LeZion where he mostly teaches sport psychology in the master level program in psychology of sport & exercise.

His research in sport psychology evolves around four main areas: (a) team coordination and shared mental models (SMM), (b) decision-making and decision-time within the perceptual-cognitive-motor linkage, (c) team cohesion and its effect on the individual and team performance, and (d) determination and motivation in youth sport and parental involvement. Dr. Gershgoren’s studies have been published in leading peer-reviewed journals in sport psychology. Additionally, he serves as a reviewer for several journals in this domain. Dr. Gershgoren is conducting his applied work mostly with elite athletes in various individual and team sports. Furthermore, he serves as a performance enhancement consultant for the Combat Fitness Department, Doctrine and Research Branch, IDF.

2 Ziv Ido

Dr. Ido Ziv is a lecture in the Psychology department of the College of Management Academic Studies, where he served as an Acting Head (2014-2015) and Vice Head (2015-2017). He holds a Ph.D (2007) and a M.B.A. (2008) from the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

. Dr. Ziv is a Clinical Psychology experienced at focal intervention as well long term psychotherapy. He is a member of the International Association for Relational psychoanalysis (IRAPP) and the International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology (IAPSP). Dr. Ziv serves as a mental health officer in his military service and occasionally also psychologically accompanies IDF wounded Veterans in their rehabilitation journeys.

Research Interests and teaching

Young adults and romantic relations, anxiety and stressful situation, mental resilience, parental presence and skills, social cognition and naive theories. Dr. Ziv also have great interest in developing and using new technologies for symptoms alleviation and as a complementary tool for diagnosis and therapy.

1 Shulman Shmuel

Shmuel Shulman has been a full professor in the Department of Psychology, College of Management Academic Studies (COLMAN) since the 2017-2018 academic year. Professor Shulman received his PhD in clinical psychology from Bar Ilan University.

He was faculty at Tel Aviv university for ten years, after which he returned to Bar Ilan University where he served as head of the graduate program in clinical psychology, head of the Department of Psychology and Dean of Students.

Professor Shulman served as an affiliative professor in the Department of Psychology at Florida Atlantic University, Ft. Lauderdale. In addition, he was a visiting professor at the University of Minnesota, Yale University (Department of Psychiatry), York University (Toronto), Jyvaskula University, Finland and the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. He was also a DAAD fellow at the Universities of Bonn and Jena in Germany.

In addition to his academic work, Professor Shulman is a senior clinical psychologist. He worked for almost fifteen years in an adolescent inpatient unit at the Abarbanel Hospital, and in a clinic serving children, adolescents and their families (Ministry of Health). A few years ago he co-founded a clinic for young adults at the Shalvatah Mental Health Center.

Professor Shulman is currently on the editorial boards of Journal of Adolescence, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood. He served on the editorial board of the Journal of Research on Adolescence between 2006 and 2012.

Research Interests and Teaching: Development, adaptation and pathology among adolescents and young adults. These topics are studied with the framework of Developmental Psychopathology. Professor Shulman has a number of ongoing longitudinal studies: Development and adaptation (career and romantic relationships) in young adulthood. In this study young adults have been followed for a period of 12 years.
Romantic and sexual pathways from adolescence to young adulthood. Participants have been followed for nine years, since the age of 16. The role of psychological intervention in the attainment of developmental task and decrease in depression and anxiety. Pre and post comparisons are conducted. Professor’s Shulman’s studies were funded by the BSF, ISF, the Ministry of Health and the Anti Drug Authority.

2 Friedman – Peleg Keren

Dr. Keren Friedman-Peleg is a senior lecturer at the School of Behavioral Science, and the Dean of students at the College of Management – Academic Studies, Israel. She obtained her PhD in Tel-Aviv University, in the department of Sociology and Anthropology, under the supervision of Prof. Yoram Bilu and Prof. Moshe Shokeid (2009).

Friedman-Peleg was a visiting scholar at the Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania (2016), and a visiting assistant Professor at the Department of Anthropology and of the Berkeley Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies at UC Berkeley (2018). Based on her ethnographic research at non-profit organizations in Israel – NATAL (The Israeli Center for Victims of Terror and War) and ITC (Israel Trauma Coalition) – she published articles about the intersection between clinical questions of diagnosis, treatment and prevention and socio-political questions of national belonging and ethnic inequality in leading journals, such as Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry and Transcultural Psychiatry (with Y. Bilu). The full manuscript of her doctoral thesis – entitled “A Nation on the Couch: The Politics of Trauma in Israel” was published by Magnes – The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Press (2014), and by the University of Toronto Press (2017). Her new manuscript, “National Security, Emergency Preparedness, and the Psychological Project of ‘Building Resilience’: Governance and Cultural Mediation on the Border of Israel and Gaza” is currently under review by University of Pennsylvania Press.

Research Interests: Anthropology of the Therapeutic Discourse, Security-related Trauma and Resilience, Nationalism, Ethnicity and Inequality

Teaching: Introduction to Anthropology, Qualitative Research Methods, Contemporary Theories of Culture, Anthropology of the Therapeutic Discourse

1 Blumenstein Boris

Prof. Boris Blumenstein is a full Professor at the M.A. program of Psychology of Sport and Exercise at the College of Management Academic Studies (Colman) and the former director of the Department of Behavioral Sciences at the Ribstein Center for Sport Medicine Sciences and Research at Wingate Institute,

He received his Ph.D. in Sport Psychology in 1980 from the All Union Institute for Research in Sport Department of Sport Psychology, Moscow, Russia (former USSR). His extensive experience in sport psychology spans some 40 years, culminating in applied work at the elite level. He has been a sport psychology consultant for the Soviet national and Olympic teams (1975-1984) and since 1990 he has been a head of sport psychologist services to the Israeli national and Olympic teams (including delegation to Atlanta, 1996; Sydney, 2000; Athens, 2004 and Beijing, 2008).

Prof. Blumenstein has about 100 publications (of which 63 are published in peer-reviewed journals, 29 are book chapters, 5 are books and 2 are a co-edited book). He delivered about 50 professional presentations and international workshops in the USA, Canada, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea. In addition, he is past President of the Israeli Society for Sport Psychology.

Research Interests and Teaching: Mental skills training for performance, stress-performance relationship, biofeedback training, effectiveness of different mental interventions athletic competitions readiness.

2 Segal David

David Segal, PhD is a full time faculty at the School Behavioral Sciences, College of Management Academic Studies (COLMAN), where he served as Associate Dean (2008-2009), Chair of the Family Studies Graduate Program (2013-2016), and Head of the Management and Human Resources Major (2010-2016).

David Segal, PhD is a clinical psychologist and a senior organizational consultant. He served as a Chief Psychologist at the Department of Neurology (1996), the Day Rehabilitation Unit (1997), and the National Hemophilia Center (1997-1999), at The Chaim Sheba Medical Center. He also served as a member at The Public Committee for the Designation of Estate Funds, The Administrator General, The Ministry of Justice (2007-2014).

David Segal, PhD was an invited lecture at the Seminar on Women Entrepreneurship – Challenges and Successes (ComaS) (2016), the Seminar on Society, Authorities and Restorative Justice – Constructing Perceptions of Sexual Assault (Bar Ilan University) (2013), and the Symposium on “The Limits of supervision” (IPPA – Israeli Association for Organizational Development, Ramat Gan, Israel) (2010). He also presented papers at the 13th European Congress of Psychology (20113), and the 12th Biennial conference of the international society for the study of work and organizational values (ISSWOV) (2010).

Research Interests and teaching: Organizational Leadership & Behavior, Parenting.

2 Benoni Hanna

Dr. Hanna Benoni received her Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology from Tel-Aviv University (2013). She then worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Open University of Israel (2012-2013), and continued as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Weizmann Institute of Science (2014-2016). Hanna joined the Department of Psychology as a faculty member in 2014, and she now serves as the head of the B.A program in psychology and runs the Visual Attention and Cognition Lab

Research Interests and Teaching: Cognitive psychology, Visual attention and perception, ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), Object recognition.

2 Orbach Iris

Dr. Iris Orbach is the Head of MA program in “Sport and Exercise Psychology”, the College of Management Academic Studies (Colman); the Head of “Health Promotion Program” at the Nat Holman School for Coaches and Instructors, Wingate Institute; a researcher and a sport psychology consultant in the Department of Behavioral Sciences at the Ribstein Center for Sport Medicine Sciences and Research, Wingate Institute.

Dr. Orbach received her Ph.D. in Sport Psychology in 1999 from the University of Florida, Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences, in Gainesville, Florida, USA. She worked as an assistant professor in the Department of Sport, Fitness and Leisure Studies at Salem State University, Salem, Massachusetts, USA. In addition to teaching, Dr. Orbach has published numerous articles and book chapters, and has given presentations at national and international conferences on topics related to sport psychology. She is the coauthor of the books “Integrated Periodization in Sports Training & Athletic Development”, “Mental Practice in Sport: Twenty Case Studies” and “Psychological Skills Training”. Dr. Orbach uses her psychology skills as a consultant for athletes at all skill levels. In her free time, Dr. Orbach enjoys running, bicycling, swimming, weight lifting, and all kind of fitness activities.

Research Interests and Teaching: Stress-performance relationships, youth and motivation in sport, biofeedback training, effectiveness of various mental training practices, physical activity and wellbeing.

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