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2 Dror Yuval

Dr. Yuval Dror is currently the head of the Organization Development and Consulting Master Degree Program in the Behavioral Sciences School.

Yuval Dror is a manager, scholar and consultant to senior management in organizational and business development and change. Over more than 40 years Yuval has been holding roles and posts as OD consultant in the IDF, a partner in a consulting firm, an external director, a researcher and a lecturer.

Yuval was awarded a Doctorate of Business Administration, from the University of South Australia and Swiss Business School (SBS). He holds an MA degree in Social Psychology from Tel Aviv University (1985).

Dr. Yuval Dror was the founder of the Master Degree Program in Organizational Consulting in the Recanati Business School in Tel Aviv University and until recently was its director. He was also a co-founder of ‘Minga’ – a social business dedicated to developing social entrepreneurship in Israel.

Yuval’s main interests are applying Chaos and Complexity Theories into human organizing, consulting to organisations in development and change processes, helping promote ethics and social accountability, and volunteering to sustain and empower the Israeli civil society.

2 Yosef Revital

Revital Yosef is a faculty member at the School of Economics of the College of Management Academic Studies. Her research interests span empirical Corporate Governance, Corporate Finance, and primarily Executive Compensation. She holds a B.A degree in Economics, M.B.A and Ph.D. degrees in Finance from Bar-Ilan University. Prior to academia, she worked as a Senior Valuation and Financial Analyst at a leading consulting firm.

2 Leibowitz Menahem

Dr. Menahem Leibowitz is a researcher and lecturer in the fields of network and cyber security. Menahem holds a PhD, MSc and BSc in computer science from Bar-Ilan University.

His research interests are network and cyber security in general, and in particular anonymous communication, privacy, key management and usable security.

2 Finger-Keren Maya

Dr. Maya Finger-Keren completed her doctoral studies in finance at Ben-Gurion University. She is currently a faculty member, lecturer and supervisor in the Faculty of Business Administration at The College of Management Academic Studies. Her areas of research include; finance, impact, ESG and entrepreneurship and she promotes local and global knowledge development in these fields.

Dr. Finger-Keren also serves as a director in public and international companies.

2 Youcht Adi

Adi Youcht joined the Law Faculty at the College of Management Academic Studies in the Fall of 2021. She holds a PhD, LL.M (magna cum laud), and LL.B (magna cum laud) from the Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law. She is a former Visiting Research Fellow at Columbia Law School, and a former Visiting Researcher at Berkeley Law School. She completed her postdoctoral studies at the Sciences Po École de Droit and L’École Des Hautes Études En Sciences Sociales (EHESS). Prior to her doctoral studies, she articled clerk at the State Attorney’s Office Department of Criminal Appeals in Jerusalem.

Youcht’s main areas of interest are Tort Law, Criminal Law, Sociology and Philosophy of Law and Bioethics, Law and Medicine, Body and Law, Jurisprudence of Identities, Disability Studies, Gender and Sexuality, Science and Technology Studies, and Law & Culture.

2 Katsabian Tammy

Tammy Katsabian (PhD) is a senior lecturer at the Haim Striks Faculty of Law at the College of Management Academic Studies. She is the founder and moderator of the labor law and technology lab. Her research is dealing with labor rights in the digital reality, with a specific focus on questions of privacy, equality, working from home (“telework”) and the gig economy. Tammy has a PhD degree from the law faculty of the Hebrew University, an L.L.M degree from Yale Law School and Tel-Aviv University (cum laude) and an L.L.B degree from Bar Ilan University (cum laude). She was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard Law School and was awarded a Fulbright-ISEF Postdoctoral Fellowship and Rothschild Postdoctoral Fellowship to pursue her post doctorate research project. In the past, Tammy was the executive director of the Clinical Legal Education Center at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and served as the clinical and academic advisor of the Women’s Rights at Work Clinic. Tammy’s work was published in top-ranking journals, such as the Modern Law Review, McGill Law Journal, and Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law.

Research areas and interests: Labor Law; Women’s Studies; Law and Society; Law and Technology

1 Bar-On Yaara

Bar-on is the Dean of the School of Education, The College of Management Academic Studies (COLMAN). She was the president of Oranim Academic College of Education (2013-2019) and a member of the board of the National Library of Israel.

She was formerly a fellow at the Mandel School of Educational Leadership (1997-1999); headed the Education Ministry department that oversaw implementation of the Shenhar & Kremnitzer reports, which dealt with Pluralism in Judaism and Civics+Peace education, respectively (1999-2002); and served as deputy-president for academic affairs at the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem (2003-2012). Bar-On is a social historian and has published three books on the lives of women (in Hebrew): Crowded Delivery Room: Gender and Public Opinion in Early Modern Gynecology (2000); Sunrise in the Mediterranean: An American Women in the Labor Battalions ( 2005); and A Jewish Witch in the Court of Louis XIII (2011). She holds a doctorate from Tel Aviv University.

2 Komlik Oleg

Dr. Oleg Komlik is Head of the Undergraduate Program in Behavioral Sciences and Lecturer in Organizational and Economic Sociology. The study of the influence of power, interests, and ideas on economic policymaking, institutions, law, and organizations shapes his professional journey.

Dr. Komlik is a founder, editor-in-chief, and lead writer of the Economic Sociology & Political Economy global academic community that brings together more than 70,000 members from about 160 countries. He also serves as the Chairman of the Junior Sociologists Network of the International Sociological Association and Treasurer of the Israeli Sociological Society.

In 2017, Dr. Komlik was selected as Young Global Changer by G20’s Research and Policy Advice Network.

2 Shani Guy

Guy Shani holds a PhD in Sociology from the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Tel Aviv University. His research focuses on the middle class in Israel and the relationship between class, place, and identity.

Guy studied the housing choices of middle-class households in Tel Aviv and Beersheba and published articles in leading journals about the local formation of aesthetic tastes, attitudes toward diversity and patterns of entering adulthood. In addition, he published articles dealing with political unfriending in Facebook, and with the violent events of May 2021 from an urban perspective. These days, Guy is researching, together with Prof. Uri Schwartz, Facebook groups in the mixed city of Jaffa. At the college, Guy teaches various courses in sociological thinking, sociology of education and life course, sociology of young-adult and more.

2 Yonatan-Leus Refael

Dr. Refael Yonatan-Leus is a licensed clinical psychologist and a senior lecturer (assistant professor) in the master’s program in clinical psychology. Dr. Yonatan-Leus completed his three degrees in psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research interests are quantitative research in psychotherapy with an emphasis on “positive” variables of mental health (such as honesty creativity and playfulness), the therapist’s influence on the effectiveness of psychological treatment, psychoanalytic theory, professional ethics, the effectiveness of psychoanalytic psychotherapy with severe and complex mental disorders, and economical cost effectiveness of psychodynamic psychotherapy in the context of healthcare cost. His areas of teaching in the clinical program include short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy, psychopathology, and clinical interview. He practices individual, couple and group psychotherapy both in a public mental health clinic and in private practice.

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Elie Wiesel St 2, Rishon LeTsiyon