Eco Pro certification - accompanied by green
As part of their studies, students can choose a specialization as a Green Lender. The internship includes an annual course and preparation for the Standards Institute exam. The certification from the Standards Institute makes it possible to become a “green lender”, i.e. a consultant in many projects that require compliance with the Israeli standard for green construction (T.I. 5281). And an understanding of the green standards and their various specifications and the development of skills in dealing with manufacturer data.

UI-UX specialization
The specialization that deals with the characterization and design of a user experience in the applicative world. UX design or user experience design is a process by which a need is identified. The research process of UX designers involves performing competitor analysis, developing audiences and developing minimal value of a product and its characterization. It is the job of the UI designer to give them an aesthetic solution. This area of expertise belongs to an evolving digital world whose principles also apply to spatial perceptions and can become complex and rich spatial experiences.
Virtual Worlds in the School of Design and Innovation
What comes to mind when we hear the terms Virtual Realty & Augmented Reality? At the School of Design and Innovation, we identified the new trends in the virtual world, and therefore established a unique laboratory. The laboratory brings together the world of interior design and the world of virtual worlds such as in gaming or galleries and museums; when together, students create wonderful creative experiences. A design experience is one that allows the viewer to take part in the designer’s work, even before it is built.
Third and fourth year students take part take part in two advanced and unique elective courses in the field of VR and AR.
Students’ projects can be viewed here:

Specialization Tech Pro AR
The term augmented reality (AR) describes a connection between the physical realities as it is felt and exists in a tangible way and the virtual reality. Its role is to describe an intermediate realm of uses in virtual reality within real reality. The specialization is in computing technology that combines virtual elements that blend in with the real environment in real time and interactively. The use of elements of sound, objects, typography and illustrations on the screen make reality interactive. This design specialization allows students to develop realistic simulations and the ability to move in existing spaces while rearranging them.
Specialization Tech Pro VR
“Virtual Reality” is a simulation of an environment, performed using a computer, dedicated console or mobile phone, in a way that gives the user the illusion that he is in the realistic environment that the computer simulates. The school was the first of design schools in Israel to open a “virtual reality” specialization. Specialization in virtual reality is used for the purposes of spatial functional design. The learning process consists of designing graphic elements, computer graphics and animation using advanced technology. The virtual environment makes it possible to produce simulations for interior spaces or to simulate a completely imaginary environment