TJN Israel (TJN IL) was established in November 2013 as a member of the Tax Justice Network (an international, non-partisan expert network which focuses on tax avoidance and tax havens) and is based under the auspices of the College of Management in Rishon-Letzion, Israel.
TJN IL was launched due to the growing concern by the Israeli authorities over tax evasion as well as the growing awareness by the Israeli public on tax justice issues.
TJN IL’s goal is to create a fair, just and equitable tax system in Israel, among others, through tackling tax evasion and avoidance, increasing transparency and implementing social considerations in tax policy. To this end, TJN IL will promote a public discourse on tax policy decisions and their impact on inequality in Israel.
As part of its work, TJN publishes research reports and position papers, holds conferences and roundtables, educates students and lobbies Israeli policymakers and members of the Knesset for adopting just and equitable tax legislation.

Our Director

Adv. Moran Harari

Dr. Tamir Shanan
Dr. Tamir Shanan, is a lecturer at the Haim Stirks School of Law, who specializes in public law and income tax law. Tamir Shanan completed his doctorate studies in an international program in the field of international taxing at the University of Michigan in the United States. His doctorate research focused on the taxation of multinational corporate groups. He is a graduate of COLMAN’s Business school (with a major in accounting) and Law school (LL.B. cum laude), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (LL.M cum laude) and University of Michigan (LL.M. with a major in international taxes).
His publication Taxation of Multinational Enterprises and Multinational Corporate Groups, was published at Mishpat and Business Journal.