HR club - COLMAN’s external relations forum for human resource VPs, provides an opportunity for its members to hear updates in the field as well as opportunities for joint projects together
Over 30 VPs of HR from some of the leading Israeli companies find the time in their busy schedules to join the forum’s meetings which are tailored to their needs and include topics that specifically interest these executives.
HR Club – COLMAN’s forum for VPs of HR coordinated by the external relations department meets every other month and includes HR executives from leading Israeli companies, some of which include; Bituach Yashir, Israir, Electric Company, Aminach, TransIsrael, Nova Measuring Instruments, Assuta Ashdod, Danel Human Resources, Carasso TradeIn, Meitav Dash, Pointer, Soda Stream , Strauss and EY.

Tali Biron, director of COLMAN’s external relations department, emphasizes that these meetings are specifically designed and tailored to be relevant to the needs of HR managers and executives. “In these meetings we present the forum members with the latest research and enable dialogue between senior academics and business leaders in the HR field. Industry professionals are exposed to COLMAN’s resources with the goal of pursuing cooperative projects which are value-added to both sides.”
Some examples of past lecture and presentation topics in this forum include; “Legal Updates – Comparing HR Management, Conflict Management and Therapeutic Justice”, “Current Events from a Legal Perspective”, ”Management in an Ever-Changing Business World”, “The Connection between Creativity and Keeping Talent in an Organization” and “How employees over the age of 50 can remain Relevant in a Changing Business Environment”. Forum members have the opportunity to attend on-campus events, view exclusive student projects at COLMAN, join meetings in the student career center and serve as mentors and presenters in various joint projects.

“COLMAN’s forum for VP’s is an excellent opportunity for professional and personal meetings with senior executives from a wide variety of organizations. The meetings offer stimulating lectures with varied content, relevant to the challenges facing human resources managers. The personal connections created through this forum result in productive discussions and wonderful opportunities for learning from peers.”
Tavor Enoshi
CEO of Israel Securities Authority