Our Core Values

Individual student needs are a core focus at COLMAN
COLMAN is committed to the intellectual and professional development of our students in their fields of choice. It is accessible to students from diversified backgrounds and we are committed to providing tailor-made assistance to those who need it. Teaching is conceived of and practiced by our faculty members as more than a profession, it is a vocation.

A meaningful learning experience
COLMAN is committed to preparing our students for a life of continuous learning by providing them with cutting-edge knowledge in their respective fields, skills necessary to update this knowledge over time and the ability to reflect critically on their knowledge and skills in terms of social, economic and cultural impact.

A relevant learning experience
COLMAN is committed to offering our students relevant knowledge and a hands-on learning experience. We believe that engagement with relevant industries, local and global, allows our students to transform ideas and knowledge into innovative goods and services, widens their experiences, augments their opportunities and broadens their horizons.

Good citizenship and social engagement
COLMAN is committed to instilling in our students awareness to the values of social involvement, contribution to the community, importance of professional and intellectual integrity and a sense of personal responsibility. The education we provide empowers our students. This empowerment generates a commitment to empower others.
Our Objectives
- To assist our students in choosing a field of studies most commensurate with their desires and abilities
- To cultivate a diversified student body, a tolerant learning culture and an empowering learning environment comprising Israeli and foreign students
- To develop and offer the most innovative, substantive educational programs
- To develop collaborative programs with institutions for higher education abroad
- To develop core courses which focus on learning methodologies (“how to”) rather than content, in order to offer the students the tools necessary to engage in life-long learning

- To apply innovative learning technologies coupled with individual and group mentoring
- To enrich the learning experience with a wide range of opportunities for a significant hands-on experience
- To ensure that the faculty comprises both academics and professionals from industry, with a special emphasis on alumnae
- To encourage our faculty to be engaged in research initiatives both individually and in collaboratively
- To initiate new and nurture existing programs where the learning experience integrates community engagement